65 Best-Ever MATLAB Projects Ideas | Engineering projects
Scientists and engineers use MATLAB to solve problems (mathematical and computational), design algorithms, and implement them. Many students work with MATLAB in college or university, and they are all excited to put it into practice. If you’re learning MATLAB or want to put your knowledge to the test, you should work on MATLAB projects. As a result, we’ve created a list of the best-ever Matlab project ideas.
MATLAB is a scientific and engineering programming environment. It’s written in the MATLAB programming language, and it combines matrix and array math with design processes and iterative analysis. You can create algorithms, analyze data, build models, and apply them using MATLAB. The apps, built-in functions, and language in MATLAB allow you to solve a problem using various methods. Control systems, communications, machine learning, computational biology, deep learning, image and video processing, computational finance, and computational biology are just a few areas where MATLAB is used.
Matlab Project Ideas
This section covers all MATLAB projects, including engineering, image processing, and others. Projects are beneficial to your career because they assist with your job and skills, and in this article, you can choose Matlab projects for your final year.
Basic MATLAB Projects For Beginners
- Automatic Vehicle Counting and Classification
- Automate Certificate Generation
- Log Sensor Data in MS Excel
- Hybrid Median Filter design
- Attendance Marking System using MATLAB
- High-Speed Railways Automation
- Analyze and Design an Antenna
- Audio Compression using Wavelets
- Color and Texture Based Image Retrieval System
- Fake Currency Detection
- JPEG Compressor
- Real-Time Face Detection
- Automatic Vehicle Counting and Classification
- Digital FIR Filters
- Realtime Control of a Mobile Robot
- MATLAB based Diameter Measurement of the Object
Mechanical Engineering MATLAB Project Ideas
- Strategies for Co-operated Wood Chip Fired and Municipal Waste Fired Combined Heat and Power Plants
- Simulation of Emission Related Faults on a Diesel Engine
- Analysis of Compliance Maps with MATLAB Toolbox
- Thermal Simulation of Hybrid Drive System
- Mild Hybrid System in Combination with Waste Heat Recovery for Commercial Vehicles.
- Robotics Projects
Electrical Engineering MATLAB Project Ideas
- Animations of Light through MATLAB & Arduino
- Microwave Remote sensing of SMAP
- Multi-Agent System design also for an interconnected power system restoration
- Dynamic Modeling & Simulation of Electric Submersible
- MATLAB based Circuit Design Calculator
- System-level power estimation using power monitors
- Controlling of Equipment using MATLAB
Civil Engineering MATLAB projects Ideas
- Analogy Between Equilibrium of Structures and Compatibility of Mechanisms
- System Identification of Vehicle Dynamics and Road Conditions Using Wireless Sensors
- Train-Bridge Interaction on Freight Railway Lines
Electronics Engineering MATLAB Projects Ideas
- Design of FIR FILTER using a symmetric structure
- Detection of Smart Alcohol System Intended for CAR
- Validation of Microsoft Kinect for Use in Detecting Balance Impairment in ACL Repaired Patients
- Breast Cancer detection
- Barcode Decoder using Microcontroller
- Economic and Emission dispatch using algorithms.
- Remote Operated Vehicle with Infinite Range
- Hydropower Plant Models
- IR Remote Control for Multi-Channel
- Single-phase SPWM (Unipolar) inverter
- Incorporated Circuit Tester
- Cellular Voting Machine using Microcontroller
- Anti-Theft Alarm system for Vehicles
Computer Science MATLAB Projects Ideas
- Optical Character Recognition
- Video Surveillance System
- Performance and Robustness Analysis of Co-Prime and Nested Sampling
- Computer Vision and Image Processing Techniques for Mobile Applications
- Digital Imaging
- IoT Analytics System Development
- Data Analyzation & Visualization
- Bug Tracking System
- Low-Cost Wireless Internet
- Software Architecture for Controlling Multi-Bot
MATLAB Image Processing Projects
- Face recognition
- Image Compression
- Pedestrian detection
- Pedestrian detection
- Image Fusion using Curvelet & Wavelet
- Gesture recognition
- Segmentation of IRIS
- License plate recognition
- Image Filtering based on Linear & Morphological
- Extraction of Brain Tumor using MRI Images
Matlab Project Ideas: Conclusion
Here in this article, you can choose Matlab projects and topics easily. Hope you like this article, if you are looking for Matlab project ideas, So get the best Matlab assignment help at statanalytica.com